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Royal Pearls Resources Ltd is an innovative startup Agro-based enterprise. We process and package nutritious gluten-free Flour/food product to international standard at affordable price point using clean energy that is sustainable.



At Royal Pearls Limited, our journey began with a passion for promoting healthy eating without compromising on taste. We recognized the need for a superior Food item that not only retained the natural goodness of plantains but also delivered exceptional quality.


Title: *"Empowering Her Harvest: The Heartwarming Impact of Akoya Foods on Local Female Farmers"*

In the heart of our operations at Akoya Foods lies a story of empowerment, resilience, and the unwavering spirit of local female farmers who cultivate the foundation of our products – raw cassava. Every pack of Akoya Foods you purchase isn't just a culinary delight; it's a testament to the transformative impact we bring to the lives of these remarkable women.

*The Fields of Hope*

Picture a vibrant landscape where verdant cassava fields stretch as far as the eye can see. Nestled within this tapestry of green are the determined hands and hopeful hearts of our local female farmers. Akoya Foods consciously chooses to patronize these women, recognizing that their dedication is the backbone of our success.

*From Roots to Empowerment*

As Akoya Foods supports and sources raw cassava from these female farmers, a ripple effect of empowerment ensues. These women aren't just suppliers; they are architects of change within their communities. The income generated from their cassava cultivation becomes a catalyst for education, healthcare, and sustainable development.

*Harvesting Dreams*

Meet Amina, one of the many women touched by the partnership with Akoya Foods. Amina's hands tell the story of countless hours spent in the cassava fields, nurturing not only crops but also dreams. With the support of Akoya Foods, Amina has been able to send her daughters to school, breaking the cycle of generational limitations.

*Patronizing Women, Building Societal Pillars*

At Akoya Foods, we firmly believe that patronizing women is synonymous with building a formidable society. These women are not just cultivators; they are the bedrock of communities, contributing to social stability, resilience, and progress. By empowering them, we contribute to the creation of a society that thrives on equality and shared prosperity.

*A Future Rooted in Equality*

With every pack of Akoya Foods, you are not just savoring a delicious product; you are endorsing a movement that uplifts, empowers, and celebrates the invaluable role of women in agriculture. Your choice to support Akoya Foods is a vote for a future where equality blossoms, communities flourish, and the spirit of these remarkable female farmers echoes through generations.

*Join Us in Cultivating Change*

Together, let's continue to patronize Akoya Foods – where the impact of every purchase extends beyond taste, creating a world where the seeds of equality and empowerment sprout and flourish. Because at Akoya Foods, every pack tells a story of transformation, one rooted in the rich soil of collaboration, respect, and the indomitable spirit of the incredible women we proudly call our partners.


Royal Pearls Limited is defined by a commitment to excellence through core values such as integrity, innovation, sustainability, empowerments, quality excellence, and community engagement, guiding the company towards a sustainable and prosperous future.



Our mission is to contribute to the global food security as defined in the UN Sustainable Development Goal 2 through the platform of my country in the supply of processed food both locally and internationally.  Innovative production of Agro commodities, gluten-free flour to export standard that are affordable and readily available.

To contribute to the foreign exchange earnings of Nigeria by engaging specifically in value added Agro-commodities export from Nigeria to other African countries and the rest of the world.